VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration technology involves designing of electonic chips composed of millions of transistors.
A course in VLSI designing,testing and verification of chips and technical software.The specialisations are ASIC , FPGA ,CUSTOM ANALOG and Digital.
Embedded systems deals with both software and hardware aspects of information technology.
Languages like c,C++ ,Java are used for coding embedded devices.
Courses in VLSI and Embedded systems are offered at Post graduate, Diploma and certificate levels .
DOEACC centre , CALICUT offers PG diploma in VLSI Design.The course is six months duration..BE/B.Tech in Electronics/Electronics and Communication /Electrical Engineering /Instrumentation/Computyer science / MSc. Electronics are eligible.
Course fee is 34,000.
SANDEEPANI SCHOOL OF VLSI DESIGN,HYDERABAD offers a regular 10 week full time PG Dip-loma course in VLSI systems. Candidates must take an online test.
KREST technologies offers PG Diplolma in Embedded systems and is based at Hyderabad.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
An Area of Need (AON) is any position/location in which there is a lack of specific medical practitioners or where there are medical positions that remain unfilled even after recruitment efforts have taken place over a period of time. Area of Need applies to both public and private sector positions.
Most overseas trained doctors (OTDs) are required to work in an Area of Need when they first come to Australia, unless they hold full Australian medical registration or have completed the standard pathway for specialist assesment or for GP/familyphysician assesment.
‘The Australian health system is world-class in both its effectiveness and efficiency: Australia consistently ranks in the best performing group of countries for healthy life expectancy and health expenditure per person.’ (World Health Organization 2003)
Australia’s robust private health sector is complemented by a universal public health system called Medicare. The way in which these two sectors have been combined and balanced ensures quality care and choice for all Australians.
Australians have affordable access to a broad range of quality health services that are either free at the point of delivery or subject to substantial government rebates. Doctors in private practice are largely free to determine the number of rebateable services they provide and the fees they charge to patients.
The two major national subsidy schemes, Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits scheme (PBS), subsidise payments for services provided by doctors and optometrists, and for a high proportion of prescription medications bought from pharmacies. Safety nets apply for Medicare and the PBS to protect Australians from high out-of pocket costs for medical services and pharmaceuticals provided outside of hospitals.
These two schemes are further integrated with social welfare arrangements, with larger rebates and/or lower safety net thresholds provided for individuals or families who receive certain income support payments (such as for unemployment or disability).
Additional information about the PBS can be found by accessing The PBS and you. The PBS and You is a stand alone educational resource, comprising 33 units of education, that allows for individual, self-paced learning in the users own environment.
Content taken from Australian government website doctorconnect.gov.au
After receiving many requests from readers of ther blog,about the job position for doctors in Australia - I am going to review that in my next posts.
After UK sending back lots of overseas trained doctors back home because of the lack of sufficient jobs with NHS UK ,Australia seemed to be a best option for doctors aiming to move abroad.Eventhough US is there,it is a pretty time consuming process and needs lots of hours of determination and dedication from the aspirant.
So it is still easy for those who have a short stint with the NHS to move to Australia. Actually there are two options for doctors planning to move to Australia.One is the AMC Route- Australian Medical Council Examination and the second is the more popular AREA OF NEED route.To say which one is better over the other is a million dollar question. I will be discussing both the routes in detail in the forthcoming posts.But to make you clear about both , i m mentioning the merits and demerits of one over the other.Go a head and read.
If you would ask me it would be the shortest possible one, the one which pays me the most and the one which gives me a specialist recognition the fastest. Read this article for a head to head comparsion between the AON (area of need) and AMC (australian medical council).
In a nutshell AON scores over AMC exam in every aspect. The reason being
1. After you apply to the AON post, you are interviewed and selected within 6 months or even less. You are given a temperory liscence to practice which through the AMC route would at least take 1.5 years.
2. Your approval from the AMC is the responsibility of the hospital/board which is employing you in the AON post. They see to it that your AMC approval is fast tracked.
3. You may be exempted from the AMC examination if they feel so.
4. For post graduates, AON specialist jobs are at decent places and beautiful countryside towns. The area of work may be a hardcore rural for GP's who are post MBBS.
5. The respective Royal Australian College can award you the fellowship in the respective field within 1-2 yrs. Working in an AON post you may just have to give a clinical exam and may be exempted from written exam.
6. In AON post you are paid like a consultant from day 1. In australia the minimum award salary by any state is 1,30,000 AUD/annum. This is decent money to live a luxurious lifestyle in a good australian countryside town.
7. The only thing common in the two routes is that you need to have an IELTS cleared which is must by all australian health state boards after July 2005.
8. Once you get an AON appointment apply for australian immigration immediately.
This gives you the advantage of getting a PR (permanent resident) card within 6months, may be already before you leave your country. After 2 yrs as a PR in australia you become an australian citizen and then you do not require a visa to any other country like US/UK or Canada.
If you want further details please feel free to write to me.
After UK sending back lots of overseas trained doctors back home because of the lack of sufficient jobs with NHS UK ,Australia seemed to be a best option for doctors aiming to move abroad.Eventhough US is there,it is a pretty time consuming process and needs lots of hours of determination and dedication from the aspirant.
So it is still easy for those who have a short stint with the NHS to move to Australia. Actually there are two options for doctors planning to move to Australia.One is the AMC Route- Australian Medical Council Examination and the second is the more popular AREA OF NEED route.To say which one is better over the other is a million dollar question. I will be discussing both the routes in detail in the forthcoming posts.But to make you clear about both , i m mentioning the merits and demerits of one over the other.Go a head and read.
If you would ask me it would be the shortest possible one, the one which pays me the most and the one which gives me a specialist recognition the fastest. Read this article for a head to head comparsion between the AON (area of need) and AMC (australian medical council).
In a nutshell AON scores over AMC exam in every aspect. The reason being
1. After you apply to the AON post, you are interviewed and selected within 6 months or even less. You are given a temperory liscence to practice which through the AMC route would at least take 1.5 years.
2. Your approval from the AMC is the responsibility of the hospital/board which is employing you in the AON post. They see to it that your AMC approval is fast tracked.
3. You may be exempted from the AMC examination if they feel so.
4. For post graduates, AON specialist jobs are at decent places and beautiful countryside towns. The area of work may be a hardcore rural for GP's who are post MBBS.
5. The respective Royal Australian College can award you the fellowship in the respective field within 1-2 yrs. Working in an AON post you may just have to give a clinical exam and may be exempted from written exam.
6. In AON post you are paid like a consultant from day 1. In australia the minimum award salary by any state is 1,30,000 AUD/annum. This is decent money to live a luxurious lifestyle in a good australian countryside town.
7. The only thing common in the two routes is that you need to have an IELTS cleared which is must by all australian health state boards after July 2005.
8. Once you get an AON appointment apply for australian immigration immediately.
This gives you the advantage of getting a PR (permanent resident) card within 6months, may be already before you leave your country. After 2 yrs as a PR in australia you become an australian citizen and then you do not require a visa to any other country like US/UK or Canada.
If you want further details please feel free to write to me.
Monday, February 18, 2008
WHAT MATTERS ....................... ?
New job seekers in search of good job facing so many interviews not getting throuh any of them.Then you need to reinvent your self and rectify the negative things if any that are actually preventing you from becoming successful.
Most consisitenly observed fact among those successful people is that self motivation and self projection.You need not be cowardice while you are going to face the interview board.
Then what is that matters ...................... is

Cute Graphic Comments
Most consisitenly observed fact among those successful people is that self motivation and self projection.You need not be cowardice while you are going to face the interview board.
Then what is that matters ...................... is

Cute Graphic Comments

Let us serve you better by knowing the area of interest for you .SO that we will be posting relevant information requested by most readers.Start by filling the details in the form given below.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
In Continuation with my previous post,I am going to conclude the role of Language skills expert in this post.They are of crucial role in many ways.When a new company is going to establish office or an already existing company is expanding its services to other inexplored zones, there will be great role for the bilingual language experts.They are instrumental in all the official board meetings which are takingplace at client locale and this particularly important in the Non -English speaking countries of Middle East,Far East or European Countries.
1) TRANSLATORS -They translate documents from one language to the other language.There is a great demand for peoplpe wellversed in japaneese,Arabbi,Russian , Korean and the European languages like french,german,Spanish etc. They can find placements in BPOS ,International Call centres, International Banks .Software consultancies like Hp,WIPRO,TCS,IBM,ORACLE are welcoming candidates with good knowledge of French,German and Spanish.
With the Medical Tourism growing by leaps and bounds,the translators are finding jobs in the International Patient cell of Corporate Hospitals.Lot of International Patients will be coming from African countries and Middle East to good corporate hospitals in developing and developed countries.So all the corporate hospitals with established international Patient wings are actively recruiting them.
As a Foreign Laguage expert,one can train students in foreign language by working in any of the Language labs.
Like Hospitals,the International Hotels and international flight services are also recruiting foreign language experts.
So hone your language skills and be placed better.
1) TRANSLATORS -They translate documents from one language to the other language.There is a great demand for peoplpe wellversed in japaneese,Arabbi,Russian , Korean and the European languages like french,german,Spanish etc. They can find placements in BPOS ,International Call centres, International Banks .Software consultancies like Hp,WIPRO,TCS,IBM,ORACLE are welcoming candidates with good knowledge of French,German and Spanish.
With the Medical Tourism growing by leaps and bounds,the translators are finding jobs in the International Patient cell of Corporate Hospitals.Lot of International Patients will be coming from African countries and Middle East to good corporate hospitals in developing and developed countries.So all the corporate hospitals with established international Patient wings are actively recruiting them.
As a Foreign Laguage expert,one can train students in foreign language by working in any of the Language labs.
Like Hospitals,the International Hotels and international flight services are also recruiting foreign language experts.
So hone your language skills and be placed better.
Monday, February 11, 2008
With the advent of Globalisation , there is ever increasing demand year by year for the Foreign language experts .If little bit of hardwork is put in , there are thousands of jobs awaiting.
In the era of gloalisation ,one has the luxury of accessing the things or services from any where in the world.Companies are planning to expand their services to those uncovered and underserviced areas and are working in that way.And this is more observed with the IT and ITES(IT Enabled Services).Even though English is helping to serve their needs a lot , but it alone is not sufficient enogh to cater to the needs.
Most of the MNC s are deploying the local human resources as per their requirement in that particular country.In this regard, there is a definite felt need for the skilled language experts. So companies are giving priority to those candidates with the advantage of language skills and companies are arranging language training programmes to their employees.This demand for language experts is going to increase by leaps and bounds in the future.Companies are going to pay any amount to the right candidate who has the knowledge of a foreign language along with English.
Most of the MNCs are negotiating talks with /planning to establish offices in the Middle east , Far east and Europe , but the lack of skilled language experts is becoming a problem for them.And all these countries are dependeant upon India for this.There are INDIAN MNC sLike WIPRO , SATYAM ,INFOSYS etc which have offices in the aforesaid countries.Even though , English is used in most places, in Middle East , Far East and Europe , vernacular languages are given priority over English.So if it happens for one work in any of these countries , to know the client requirements a knowledge of the vernacular language is a must.SO a candidate with knowledge of the vernacular language in addition to english language is preferred.
Skilled Manpower is the biggest asset of any country.The people with proper training in their respective field, along with soft skills and good english language skills are those mostly preferred by the companies.
With the advent of globalisastion , Most of the work is being outsourced to developing and the third world countries.It is mostly because of the chief labour and also some sentiments some people have got as few people won't be interested in moving out of their homeland.In that case the International company opens their offices abroad and employs the local trained people.This is what the Multi National Companies are doing.
Call centres are mostly set up in developing countries with good knowledge of English like Vietnam,India etc.
All professionals are in great demand in the US - Particularly Software Engineers,Doctors,Nursing Professionals , Dentists.But all of them have to go through the rigorous process of clearing the licensure exams.But it is not so for the software People.Here the company will process their Visa,accommodation and everything and he/she has to simply move to on site and work there as per the requirements of the client.
As US is almost suffering with shortage of nursing professional, they are encouraging nurses to apply and immigrate to US as it is their requirement.They are issuing Family status. In this process came up lot of consulting firms like Apollo Staffing International , The Fortis health care from north India (promoted by Ranbaxy)- all of them opened offices in the small town of Kottayam in Kerala in India.As Kerala state alone accounts for nearly eighty percent of the nursing professionals trained every year in India.
With this Introduction, I will be discussing with you the various professions one by one in the following areas.The need or necessity of that particular profession,scope abroad and Future trends .
Hi Guys and Gals,
We have so many destinations abroad for study or work.There are big names like the OXFORD, CAMBRIDGE in THE UK and some of the world's best universities in THE US like those of STANFORD , HARVARD ,DUKES etc.The Institutions may be different for different professionals.Whether it is engineering stream or medical stream or humanities or technology ,US has been a hot destination for students as well as professionals.
Every one of us might have dreamt of landing in US either for study sake or for work permit and if lucky both these.So Why or What makes US the most favoured destination for student community across the globe OR what makes those working professionals also to think of a stint if not permanent , temporary with the US.
Very often said as the Land of opportunities ,US kept what it promised to its potential students or Job seekers.
Hello Everybody,
Here I will be discussing with you the various over seas job opportunities for various professionals,the hot destinations abroad for various professionals , the consulting agencies,the visablues,the abroad joys and so on ..........
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